Music Garlic

Music is one of the most popular porcelain garlics and one of the most common gourmet garlics sold at farmers markets and to chefs.

It’s a very pretty garlic that displays well as well as a rich and robust taste — slightly spicy and with some heat but not overwhelming.

It’s a robust grower that tolerates a wide range of climates, faring very well in northern climates with very cold winters. It can struggle in warmer regions subject to mild winters and early, warm springs.

Music garlic produces a small number of very large cloves that are easy to peel, making it a popular choice in the kitchen.

Music garlic is used in a variety of dishes, often paired with seafood but also a popular choice for pestos, salsas, and sauces. It stores well and typically can last well into the winter months.

Like other porcelains, Music has very high allicin content compared to other varieties which is important when using garlic for medicinal purposes.

Music Garlic Grower Notes

  • “It’s very popular for a reason. From a growers perspective, it is a tall dark green plant and is a very good survivor, usually grows healthy and appears to be somewhat resistant to some of the diseases that can affect garlic. – Gourmet Garlic Gardens
  • “Music is a Porcelain-type garlic with large cloves that are very easy to peel. The bulb can grow very large as well. Raw, Music is very hot-flavored, but it mellows when baked or roasted, providing a lasting garlic flavor with a hint of sweetness. – LocalHarvest
  • “The flavor is good, sweet and pungent, very hot when eaten raw. It is an Italian variety brought back to Canada by Al Music in the 1980s from his homeland. –